The Mold Consultants

The Mold Consultants 6 STEP PROCESS

The first conversation with the client is one of the most critical steps in the process. We take this time to LISTEN to the client’s health concerns and discuss the property’s current condition. We spend time LEARNING about the history of the home and any remediation previously performed. Information communicated during this conversation could lead to identifying source areas of contamination during the investigation.
We begin by walking the property with the client to understand all areas of concern discussed on the phone. We then walk the perimeter of the home to identify any potential source areas of water infiltration. A wide range of equipment is used inside of the home to help us perform a comprehensive assessment.
The sampling plan should be strategic to help understand the home from a holistic standpoint. Specific sample types and quantities depend on the inspection, history of the house, and the condition of the environment.
After the inspection, we review all areas of concern and suspect areas of contamination. A strategic sampled plan is developed based on discoveries made during the inspection. Specific sample types and quantities depend on what issues are apparent during the inspection, the history of the home, and the condition of the environment.
The inspector will provide a comprehensive report, including the mold remediation strategy.
The report is a road map for the next steps. We take the time to make sure the client understands the report and recommended remediation protocol. We stay involved throughout the entire process.

Are You Ready to Test Your Property for Mold?